Jerky is a term that has come to mean dried meat. We make two main types of jerky.
The first is a harder savoury jerky that is made from lean cuts of grass fed beef, deeply marinated and then hung in our air dryer for two days or so until dried. This is a tremendously succulent and tasty product that is very high in protein and very low in sugar.
Marinades assist us to create these fantastic flavours so if your on a gluten restricted diet please have a look at our biltong products.
The second type is a softer compounded jerky. It is still made from lean australian grass fed meat, but in this case it is minced and layed flat in trays. This product is more suited to those who are looking for all the health benefits of a great tasting jerky but not after a big chew.
We don't use any filling or bulking agents in this product so it is of a very high quality by comparison to other soft jerky on the markets
All of our products are free of nasty artificial preservatives (salt is our only preservative), free of any added hormones and free of artificial colours and flavours
Biltong is different and everyone that eats it will tell you that. It is still technically a type of jerky but it is a very old, very traditional type of jerky that originated on the dry plains of Africa hundreds of years ago.
Co-Owner Graham Moule learned how to make biltong from his grandfather as a little boy growing up in Africa and our Biltong is still made the same way. There are some changes, for example, we don't hang our biltong in the eves of our house or under a tree, but the ingredients are the same, the method is the same and we have spent a lot of time and money building facilities that replicate a hot dry day in the Karoo.
Our Biltong is exaclty as you would expect to have found in any farmhouse in Southern Africa.
We have a full range available, soft or dry and flavoured with tradtional herbs and spices, garlic or chilli and encourage you to browse our product range.
We take the time to make our own spice mixes as we have not found a premade mix in Australia that does not contain sulphur, nitrite or msg... we know for a fact that these spice mixes are used in products that are labelled preservative and msg free.
Our Biltong is preservative free, made from free range beef, contains no artificial ingredients of any kind and is gluten free. It is air dried and therefore still raw, so it's perfectly suited to those on the Paleo Diet
How to use our online store
1. Browse our products pages for either biltong, jerky or both
2. Select the item you'd like to purchase by simply clicking on the image.
3. A pop-up dialogue will appear that will ask you to choose the flavour you'd like. The flavours are all abreviate, for example; Smoky appears a Sm, and Chargrill appears as ChG, (hovering your mouse over the abbreviated box will reveal the flavour name). To choose the flavour simply click on it and your selection will be saved. You won't be able to proceed without making this selection.
4. Choose many, many items...
5. When you want to complete your purchase, click on the cart icon that appears at the top right of every page.
6. Your shopping cart will appear. It asks you to select your country and this is what is used to calculate freight costs.
7. Each item in our store is weighed and measured and our website automatically calculates the freight cost based on that and adds it to your total.
8. Checkout is easy. Just click on the checkout icon and you will be directed to PayPals secure checkout system.
We pay PayPal to protect you and your information, all of your information is processed by them and your confidential credit card number is never processed on our site. Through PayPal you have a guarantee that if something goes wrong you will get your money back.