Pulverised Jerky Salad
Summer's here guys and this means it's BBQ (or in my lingo Braai) time, and using biltong in salads is a big thing for us back in the mother land.
After 20 odd years with my beautiful Aussie I FINALLY made her the salad pictured here, she loved it - but I'm guessing was quite surprised that I hadn't done this for her before. To give you some idea of how good this is she's insisted on me making it several times now.
This one was really easy, all you need is:
2 x baby cos hearts
1 small block of feta
1 medium tub of tabbouleh from the deli counter
1 medium small tub of split green mediteranen olives
a decent amount of your favourite jerky
a bowl big enough to hold it all
From the top of the cos start cutting it across at intervals of about 4cm or whatever would suit your bowl, peel of the inner leaves from the core as you get closer to the bottom
Put that in the bowl throw in the tabbouleh and olives and then break off small pieces of feta over the whole thing.
Mix it gently.
Put the jerky in a blender or smoothie maker and blend it until it's almost powdered.
When serving the salad add to the top of it a much jerky as you like. It adds aroma and flavour, the tabbouleh and feta will already be quite tasty so I tend not to add any dressing other than possibly a bit of olive oil.